Navigating Global Turbulence

Respond to unfolding global emergencies with swift, strategic action, managing international crises, ensuring stability, and preventing escalation.

Crisis Committee

President Chairs

  • Teresa Chen - President Chair

    Hello, everyone!

    My name is Teresa, I'm a senior at Shanghai American School, Puxi Campus. I'm so honored to serve as your president for Crisis Committee. I've participated in MUN since the eighth grade in a variety of capacities—delegate, chair, and, in recent years, on the secretariat team. I will always be grateful for how this activity has trained my communication skills and ability to mediate between conflicting interests, and especially to Crisis, the committee that I was assigned to at my first conference and that inspired me to keep working at my speaking and research skills, in hopes that I would one day become the senior delegates who first amazed me.

    This year, the Crisis topic is the Korean War, with the initial timeline set in 1950. Your chairs and backroom staff will work together to bring you the relevant research, and we look forward to seeing how delegates navigate the complex nature of the War as a locus in history—as a past-due continental conflict, as a proxy war, and as a key development in the global Cold War.

    Over the years, I've attended six iterations of SHAMUN, and XXIV will be my last. Let's make it a good one! Feel free to reach out in case you have any questions.

  • Christopher Herman - Deputy President

    Hello delegates!

    My name is Chris, and I’ll be serving as your Crisis Deputy President for SHAMUN XXIV. As a senior at SASPX, this will be my 4th (and unfortunately, final) year in MUN.

    My whole MUN career has been linked with Crisis. My first conference, my first chairing position, and much of my conference experience happened through Crisis (even in Security Council, it turned into Crisis). Apparently, I can never escape.

    However, that’s definitely not a bad thing. Sometimes it’s easy to miss the nuance of people and societies when you represent an entire country as one person. I hope that researching and portraying your unique historical character will give you a better grasp of how individuals- not just states – have shaped where we are now.

    Also, it’s just the most fun committee. By a long shot.

    I look forward to seeing you develop your diplomatic skills, your impromptu speaking, and possibly your acting(?).

    See you at SHAMUN XXIV!


  • Cooper Sare-Pierce - Backroom Director

    Hi everyone! My name is Cooper, and I’ll be the Crisis Backroom Director for SHAMUN! I’ve been involved with MUN since seventh grade, making it upwards of five years since I started! This is the third installment of SHAMUN that I’ve been an officer for, and I’m excited to help out. I hope we have some good debate on the war in Korea, and of course I’ll try to keep it as interesting as possible with our backroom shenanigans. I wish a very good luck to all the delegates, and to my fellow officers!

  • Arthur Vadnjal - Backroom

    Hello delegates!

    My name is Arthur Vadnjal and I am a senior from the Canadian International School of Beijing. This will be the 11th MUN conference that I have attended since the 7th grade and it is especially exciting for me as this will be my first SHAMUN conference and first time as a backroom officer.

    As a backroom officer, I will ensure that all directives will be reviewed equally and that all crisis updates will inspire fruitful and enjoyable debate. Furthermore, I will aim to create a crisis arc that is logical, stimulating, and fun for all.

    In return, I would like to encourage all delegates to be forthcoming and enthusiastic with their directives as a crisis committee cannot function without your participation. I hope everyone in the Crisis committee will have an enjoyable and memorable time as I will, diligently serving as your backroom officer.

  • Albert Zhang - Backroom

    Hi guys!

    My name is Albert and I'm a Sophomore from SASPX. I've been doing MUN for many years and Crisis is definitely my personal favorite. I've participated in SHAMUN's Crisis for the past 2 years as a delegate so I'm really excited to be a backroom staff for this year's Crisis.

    The theme of this year's SHAMUN is the Keeling Curve, which is how scientists measure the daily global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. As our world accelerates toward conflict, with the recent Israeli-Palestinian conflicts as well as the Russian-Ukraine War, it is absolutely crucial that we look into the conflicts in the past as we accumulate valuable experience and knowledge.

    The period of the Korean War is absolutely monumental for the entire world, and many of the issues seen during that war still exist today. Can't wait to see delegates discuss these issues as you engage in the fun atmosphere of Crisis as you guys assassinate each other and cause all kinds of havoc.