For a better future, for all.

Connects nations, partners, and people
to promote health, keep the world safe, direct the world’s response to health emergencies,
and serve the vulnerable.

World Health Organization - WHO

President Chairs

  • Weiwei K.

    Fellow chairs, distinguished delegates, and most esteemed guests,

    Hey! My name is Weiwei, a sophomore attending SAS PX, and I will be serving as your VP chair for the WHO committee for SHAMUN XXIII.

    Like many of you here I’ve spent many years in MUN as delegates, sitting at the desks with our placards; This conference will be my pilot episode of what it's like holding the gavel and chairing. I have done MUN since G7 and have attended many conferences and hope to serve you well. In the last few years, the WHO has been the backbone of governments worldwide, living in the aftermath of a pandemic that killed an estimated 15 million, their work is never over. Attending this conference, you will be sitting in the chairs of legislators debating on precautions to take to make our world a safer place.

    I am immensely grateful and excited to chair the WHO committee and look forward to seeing you all there.

  • Chelsea C.


    I am Chelsea, a junior at Shanghai American School Puxi. I am more than delighted to serve as your president chair of the WHO at this year’s SHAMUN conference.

    This is my sixth year in MUN, and this is my fourth time chairing. MUN has always been a large part of my life since middle school, allowing me to challenge myself, broaden my perspective on global issues, and find opportunities for growth. Having a passion for global health, I am very excited to be a part of this year’s WHO committee. As many of you know, climate change is bringing many devastating effects to Earth, such as rising sea levels, scorching temperatures, and violent weather. However, one underestimated impact of climate change is its effect on the spread of disease. Rising temperatures not only expand the range of tropical diseases, but also increase the spread of waterborne and zoonosis. Since we all have experienced the pain of COVID-19, I hope every one of you will try your best to formulate innovative solutions that can minimize the impact of climate change on global health.

    I look forward to seeing all of you at the conference and a fruitful debate.

  • Duru B.


    My name is Duru, I am an upcoming junior attending Shanghai American School Puxi. I am honored to serve as the deputy chair of the World Health Organization committee for the upcoming SHAMUN XXIII conference.

    For over 4 years I have been involved in MUN and the program at my school, and through doing so, have attended many conferences along the way. I truly love being involved in MUN and seeing a conference come together. I will personally be writing a chair report regarding improving health infrastructure and epidemic response mechanisms across the African continent.

    I’m excited to meet everyone at the conference!

Issues of Debate

Launch of the major Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) campaign in North Kivu | WHO