The most powerful UN Organ.
Created to maintain international peace and security, generating resolutions with binding responsibilities on all member states.

Security Council - SC

President Chairs

  • Alexander M. - President

    Hi all,

    My name is Alex, and I have been involved with the MUN program here at SAS for 3 years, now serving in a variety of roles.

    MUN as an activity has been a core component of my high school experience, and is truly an amazing community to be a part of! I am honored to serve as a chair for the Security Council this time around! SHAMUN XXIII will prove to be a valuable learning experience for all of you.

    Throughout the days of the conference, you will become immersed in the global issues examined and gain an understanding of methods of negotiation, debate, and conflict resolution. Furthermore, you will develop a new perspective unique to each nation you will be representing, becoming an expert in each of their respective stances and stakes in our topics.

    I look forward to working with each and every one of you and wish you all the best conference experience possible!

  • Emma Z. - Deputy President

    Esteemed delegates, student officers, and directors,

    Welcome to SHAMUN XXIII! My name is Emma, and I am a senior at Shanghai American School Pudong Campus. It is my honor to serve as your Deputy President for the Security Council.

    I started MUN in the sixth grade and over these years I have attended a total of twelve conferences—five of which I have attended as a chair. I have chaired at SHAMUN once before and I can assure you that the conference is rewarding, where you will have the opportunity to meet with other equally passionate delegates, chairs, and mentors. MUN promotes students to step out of their comfort zone and collaborate with others to create solutions that can alleviate tensions around the world today. At SHAMUN XXIII, I hope to see fruitful debates surrounding the Mexican war on drugs and the Russo-Ukrainian War and its effects on the European energy crisis.

    I look forward to seeing you all in October!