Disarmament Commission

The United Nations Disarmament Commission monitors and restricts the use of arms, especially weapons of mass destruction.

Committee Size: 50 delegates

[Beginner’s Committee]

Meet the Student Officers

  • Deputy President

    Daphne C.

    “Hi! My name is Daphne and I’m honored to be serving as one of the chairs for the Disarmament Committee at the upcoming SHAMUN XXII conference. I am currently in grade 9 at the Yew Chung International School of Shanghai Pudong, and this is going to be among the first of my chairing experiences.

    I first joined Model United Nations around three years ago to improve my public speaking and debating skills. At first, I was nervous and unfamiliar with navigating the complex procedures but began to learn quickly through participating in multiple conferences where I discovered that a crucial part of MUN involved understanding the perspectives and reasoning behind different conflicts while meeting new people and delving deeper into personal interests through researching various topics.

    I strongly encourage all delegates to prepare thoroughly for the topics beforehand and actively participate in lobbying and debating. Most importantly, don’t forget to have fun and feel free to contact the chairs for any guidance or support. I look forward to meeting everyone at the conference! “

  • President

    Seoyun K.

    “Hi delegates! My name is Seoyun and it is my honor to serve as the President of the Disarmament committee in SHAMUN XXII. I am a sophomore in Shanghai American School Puxi.

    I started MUN career in middle school, and this is my 5th year in MUN. There were numerous small and big struggles that I had to come over during my first few conferences, and I believe that most delegates experience through the similar hardships. With prepared resolutions and ideas, enjoying the debates will become easier.

    I hope all the delegates will enjoy the conference and have a meaningful debate. We will try out best to serve all the delegates with the necessary help. Hope to see all of you at the actual conference!”

  • Deputy President

    Oscar W.

    “My name is Oscar, I am currently a sophomore at Yew Chung International School of Shanghai Pudong. I am honored to be serving as a deputy chair of the Disarmament Committee, and I am excited to be in the committee.

    Ever since I joined MUN, I have always been interested in international relationships between countries, and how disputes between countries were resolved. During my first year of MUN, I was intimidated by the various procedures and knowledge needed. However, after going to a few conferences, stepping out of my comfort zone, and with the help of others, I have been able to develop my MUN skills and get the hang of the MUN environment.

    I hope that all of you will have a great time during this conference, and I look forward to seeing you then!”