Simulating critical points in history.

With unpredictable new scenarios being applied constantly within the committee, the delegates were challenged to quickly create flexible solutions in dynamic situations.

Crisis Committee

President Chairs

  • Christopher H. - Deputy President

    Hello delegates!

    My name is Chris, and I’ll be serving as your Crisis Committee vice president for SHAMUN XXIII. I’m a junior at SASPX, marking my 3rd year in MUN. Though this will be my first time chairing at a conference, I’ll make sure I can properly guide you all through the most active committee in MUN.

    My MUN experience is deeply intertwined with Crisis. In my first conference at SHAMUN Lite (2022), my position was the leader of the Yemeni government during the Yemeni civil war. Being thrust into a committee fully reliant on active participation after just a few school practices was challenging to say the least. I was unconfident, hesitant, and even confused at times. But going through each session, I not only felt my skills grow, but my passion for social studies grow. I know many of you come into MUN with that same interest. The best part of these conferences has always been sharing your knowledge, your talent, and your passion for that same interest. And believe me when I say that being able to work with others in a chaotic, tightly knit historical roleplay like Crisis truly provides an experience like no other. I hope that you can walk away from this year’s Crisis Committee with that same feeling.

    I look forward to seeing you all at SHAMUN XXIII, and good luck to everyone!

  • Vivian C. - President

    Esteemed directors, student officers, delegates, and guests,

    My name is Vivian, a senior at Shanghai American School Pudong. I am honored to serve as the Crisis President at SHAMUN, returning to where my chairing career began.

    My MUN journey started back in 6th grade, when I was pulled into MUN by my friends. I was never ready to be a delegate. I was never ready to be a chair. I was never ready to be a Crisis President with little Crisis experience other than the Crisis time I had as a chair at CISSMUN XII. Stepping out of your comfort zone is easier said than done. I once even quit MUN altogether. Despite these challenges, I continued MUN because the fun is in the I-will-never-be-ready.

    Our Crisis topic this year is one that historical figures have contributed immense efforts towards. It would challenge you to make quick judgments in dire situations. At SHAMUN XXIII and beyond, I hope you choose to step out of your comfort zone when given an opportunity.

    See you soon!

  • Cooper S. P. - Backroom Director

    Hi everyone! My name is Cooper, and I'll be the head of the crisis backroom for this event. I've been doing MUN since seventh grade, making it upward of four years! This is the second installment of SHAMUN I've been an officer for, and I'm excited to help out.

    I'II try to make crisis as enjoyable as possible, and good luck to all the delegates!

Secretary-General Commemorates Fall of the Berlin Wall | UN Photo