General Assembly

The United Nations General Assembly is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations and serves as the main deliberative, policymaking, and representative organ of the UN.

This year’s SHAMUN XXII will consist of three General Assembly committees, each debating the same topics listed below.

Committee size: 50 delegates

Meet the Student Officers
General Assembly I

  • Deputy President

    Chelsea C.

    “Honorable chairs, esteemed delegates, and most distinguished guests,

    Greetings! I am Chelsea, and I am a sophomore at Shanghai American School Puxi. I am very excited to chair the general assembly committee in this year’s SHAMUN conference. I have been a part of MUN since grade 6 and have attended over 10 conferences. I look forward to seeing all of you and I wish for a fruitful debate.”

  • President

    Elaine S.

    “Hello, all!

    Welcome delegates! I’m Elaine, and I’m incredibly honoured to have the chance to serve on the Secretariat Team for SHAMUN XXII this year. My first MUN conference experience dates to 2019, and ever since, my passion for MUN and international relations have drastically increased. I believe SHAMUN XXII will bring the delegates compelling debates and a thrilling experience overall. Through SHAMUN, delegates will be able to expand their horizons and become more globally aware individuals. As the world we live in continuously spawns irregular, rapid changes, we need to engage in global events and remain alert to what is happening worldwide. I am confident this conference will be able to shine a light on those issues most concerning to us today. When all is said and done, I’m looking forward to October and hope to see all of you at the conference!”

  • Deputy President

    Sungwoo C.

    “Hello everyone! My name is Sungwoo, and I’m currently a grade 9 student at the Yew Chung International School of Shanghai Pudong. It is an honor for me to be having my first chairing experience at SHAMUN XXII conference, General assembly.

    From my experience, I think the reason I enjoy MUN is because I went through a “hurdle” that most people encounter on their MUN journey. When I first started MUN, I was overwhelmed with the procedures and more importantly, I did not have the guts to go to the podium and deliver my speeches. However, as I went on to more and more conferences, and made more speeches and POIs, I started getting familiar with the environment. Even though this process was hard, as I frequently made mistakes and sometimes embarrassed myself in front of a large crowd, I believe that this was an essential part of the journey as you won’t repeat the same mistakes you made, thus improving your overall performance. Starting my 4th year at MUN, I can say that after passing that “hurdle” you encounter, MUN will be an entertaining place to socialize and talk about issues you’re interested in.

    Advice for all delegates would be to prepare your topic throughly, as it will be essential for the resolution writing and the debating we’ll be doing at the conference. I hope we have a wonderful MUN experience at this conference!”

Meet the Student Officers
General Assembly II

  • Deputy President

    Happy L.

    Hi, my name is Happy , and I am so excited to be serving as a Chair in this year’s SHAMUN conference! A little about my MUN experience: I have attended MUN for the past five years – and attended many official conferences as a delegate, as well as five more as a Chair. Really though, I say these qualifications only because I want all of you to know that I, along with the two other Chairs, are qualified to make this conference a good one, and one that you might look back on as you later travel further into your MUN journey. We want you to enjoy these two days, learn new things and see from different perspectives. And as a promise on my side, I will do my best to ensure that every delegate gets attention, recognition, and the opportunity to speak out when it comes to sharing all of your voices.

    So in true MUN fashion, I can only end on this note: I look forward to seeing all of you, and I wish for a fruitful debate. Good luck!

  • President

    Jeffrey T.

    “Hello all, My name is Jeffrey, and I am a senior at Concordia International School Shanghai. I began my MUN journey 5 years ago as a timid middle school student who struggled to complete his opening speech. Since then, MUN has slowly transformed me, giving me confidence, communication and debate skills, and a deep understanding of global issues. In the coming March, SHAMUN will mark my 16th MUN conference and my 6th time chairing.

    Over the years, I have gotten many of my favorite memories from MUN. Whether it be the stacks of notes filled with words of encouragement after I stumble through my speech or the superlative at the end of each conference where we recollect the joy we shared. MUN has truly been a supportive environment where it is ok to laugh, ok to speak, ok to fail. In the coming SHAMUN, I would strive to uphold that kindness possessed by the MUN community. I hope, whether this is your first MUN experience or the last, you will have a memorable time.

    See you all in March!”

  • Deputy President

    Ida J.

    Hey guys! It is my honor to be one of your vice presidents for GA2! I’m Ida, a freshman at Shanghai American School, Puxi Campus. I have always been invested in MUN, participating in several prestigious conferences, and even interning at the UN. For the past several years, my amusement for MUN has grown exponentially, and I want to utilize my passion for MUN to help the delegates participating in the upcoming SHAMUN conference.

    I understand the struggles and the butterflies that many delegates will feel, but I also know that as a delegate, you guys will have amazing solutions to contribute to current societal issues.

    See you soon!

Meet the Student Officers
General Assembly III

  • Deputy President

    James L.

    “Hey all! I’m James, a sophomore at Shanghai American School, Puxi Campus. I’m incredibly honored to have the opportunity to chair one of this year’s SHAMUN General Assemblies.

    I’ve been doing MUN since middle school and have 20 conferences under my belt. Having done a variety of countries and issues throughout my MUN career, I’m looking forward to being blown away by the thought and nuance put into the debates this conference. I believe the topics discussed in committee are extremely important issues to address in our ever-changing world, and I truly believe there’s no better forum for discussion than MUN, especially in a conference as wonderful as this one.

    Looking forward to meeting you all soon!”

  • President

    Bennett T.

    “Hi, I’m Bennett, a junior at Concordia International School Shanghai. Having developed a passion for learning about global issues from a young age, I started participating in MUN in sixth grade. Since then, I have been a delegate at numerous MUN conferences, such as CISSMUN, TASMUN, TianMUN, etc. I also had the privilege of being the President of the General Assembly at SHASMUN in January 2023, and I will soon take on this same position at the upcoming CISSMUN conference in March. Furthermore, I have been a member of the CISSMUN Secretariat for the past three years, and I have also led MUNiverse, Concordia’s MUN club, for the past two years. At SHAMUN, I hope to further my goal of inspiring young and inexperienced delegates to enhance their debate and critical thinking skills, a sentiment that has already motivated me throughout all my previous efforts in MUNiverse and the CISSMUN Secretariat.”

  • Deputy President

    Matthew S.

    Greetings and salutations! I am Matthew, a freshman at Shanghai American School, Puxi Campus. I am more than honored to have been offered a position as a chair in one of this year’s SHAMUN General Assemblies.

    I have began doing MUN since 7th grade, and that year’s SHAMUN was actually my very first conference as a delegate. It is extremely coincidental, and lucky, that SHAMUN will be my very first conference as a chair. I look forward to hearing brilliant arguments and great compromises, detailed responses and well-crafted resolutions. The topics we are debating are extremely important issues worth addressing in our ever-so-complicated world, and I sincerely hope that all delegates walk away understanding more than they came with.

    See you soon! May the best resolution pass!